Gender in Advertising (2 GAP Advertisements)

For this blog post, I had to analyze 2 poster advertisements for GAP. In the first one, it shows a little boy and the text says "The Little Scholar." He is wearing clothing with Albert Einstein on it with "nice" clothing as to say that he will be an important figure in the future. In the second, it shows a little girl and the text says "The Social Butterfly." She is wearing clothing that some people would say would make you seem popular. It seems as though they are stereotyping both genders saying that the boy is smart and will do scholarly things while the girls wants to be noticed and popular.

This does kind of make me view GAP in a different way. They are saying that men must be smarter than girls in a way. It feels like they are saying that girls may just be pretty faces while men will be out there getting things done. I personally don't like that people stereotype women as people who only want attention and want to be popular. That is not true in all of us as there are many of us that want to be scholarly and help other people.

In the advertisements, I feel as though they were trying to tell you that this is what your child will become as they grow up. Boys will seem smart and important with what they wear and girls will be following the fashion trends and be popular with what they wear. It is your typical stereotype of both genders.

I personally would change these advertisements. They are assuming the role of each gender. Women don't always want to be popular as they might want to be scholarly. Boys may not want to be scholarly and just want to fit in and maybe be popular. As a female, I do find this a little bit offensive as I personally don't really care about my looks as much. I want to be myself and I do want to be a little scholarly myself. They are also making children seem more like adults in these advertisements.

For gender stereotyping in advertisements, don't just assume that all boys are smart and that all girls just care about looks and being popular. Not all people are like that. I wouldn't take these stereotypes at all as it can offend many people like myself. You are also assuming that this child will become what they are stereotyped as and there is nothing else to it.

In the end, I do look at GAP a little differently than I used to as I don't like the stereotypes used. Not all men and women are like this. I also don't like them making kids seem like they are adults. They are young and are figuring things out for themselves. In the end, just don't use gender stereotypes and consider all as equals.

Ad 1
Image result for gap little scholar
Ad 2
Image result for gap little scholar


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