Media in Our Everyday Lives

Hello. My name is Paige and I am a Junior at West Sound Academy. In my life, media has been a pretty big part of it. I am on social media sometimes to see what others are doing and I go on the internet to look at images, look something up, read online stories, and watch funny videos.

In class, we viewed three commercial clips. All of them had to do with beauty products. All of them (except for one) had to do with defining who you were and that you should just be you. No one else could define you. Those were the messages that they were trying to get across to many women saying that these products will make you look and feel better about yourself. Of course, there was the thing about also convincing people to buy their products so they also become themselves. In the end, the message they were trying to get across was to just be themselves. In the one that wasn't a beauty commercial, it hit hard on you saying that buying a certain product will hurt the environment and destroy the homes of many creatures. Buying this product will destroy the environment. In the end, they want to show that some people are destroying life all for a simple product.


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