Happiness is a very important thing in everyone's lives. Things that make me happy are watching shows that I love, reading a nice little story, performing in a production, and the people around me that care about me. I also like to sometimes be alone, so that will make me happy sometimes. I am happiest when I am able to do some of the things I want alone when I feel like it. I am also happiest when I have my best friends around me. For homework, we had looked at a thing that was a happiness index and it showed the places that were the happiest and the places that were not so happy. I think that it is a good thing to know because it just shows what you may be able to contribute to your country or even another so that you can make the place more cheerful. I guess the best way to measure the happiness of a nation is through politics, riots/protests, and even the internet. Also going around and seeing if people are really happy with their jobs. For class, we read a story called ...